The right goals are your company's compass.

It's the time of the year where everyone starts to think about the resolutions for 2022, both personal and professional.  Do you always make the same New Year's resolutions? Do you recommit to the same goal, with promises you'll finish this time?
Suppose you answered yes; you aren't the only one. Many people are stuck in a loop of setting goals, forgetting about them or failing to reach them, and then re-establishing the same goals with a renewed (but fleeting) desire to meet those goals.

Setting goals keeps you moving, boosts your enjoyment, and benefits your organisation substantially. UprightMARK will help you to succeed from now on. We will take the time to inspect your business closely and define the best strategy.

The correct goals in mind will encourage new behaviour in your co-workers, direct your team's attention, and guide your daily routine at work. When you set goals, you create a vision of what your business could look like, start pushing yourself and your team to get the best results possible, and we will be with you throughout all this process.

To briefly recap, the first step towards setting the right goals is to make sure they are SMART:

  1. Set Specific Goals - your goals must be precise and well-defined.

  2. Set Measurable Goals - include specific amounts, dates, and other detailed information in your objectives so that you can track your progress.

  3. Set Attainable Goals - make sure your goals are achievable.

  4. Set Relevant Goals - think about the big picture. How do they align with your company's vision?

  5. Set Time-Bound Goals - measure success properly; does everyone agree with the end results and is it feasible.

Edwin Locke, an industrial-organisational psychologist, says in his "goal-setting theory" that employees perform better and are more motivated to complete goals if those goals are challenging. At UprightMARK, your goals will be guiding our best strategy to help you achieve it the most efficient way. We have the expertise and the best of technology (Zoho) playing along our side.

UprightMARK's will work with you when you're setting the rights goals:   

1. Before you set a goal, consider what you're aiming to achieve and ask yourself the following questions:

Is this essential for your company?

Is it significant enough to invest hours of work and exertion on it?

2. Establish SMART goals.

3. Write down your objectives.

4. Create a plan of action

5. Create a timeline

6. Start taking action

7. Reassess and re-evaluate your development.


Case Study of legendary venture capitalist, John Doerr, author of Measure What Matters, explains how the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) goal-setting framework helped tech giants like Intel and Google achieve tremendous growth.

In this goal-setting system, objectives define what we want to achieve; key results indicate how top-priority goals are achieved through defined, measurable actions within a specified time frame. From entry-level to CEO, everyone's objectives are visible to the entire organisation.

The advantages are enormous. OKRs highlight the most important work of a company, concentrate effort, promote coordination, and help employees stay on track. OKRs connect objectives across silos to unite and strengthen the entire organisation. OKRs improve workplace satisfaction and retention along the way.

How do you "Measure What Matters"? It is about making difficult business decisions using Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), a unique goal-setting approach. With a foreword by Larry Page and contributions from Bono and Bill Gates, the OKR method promotes the transformation of good ideas into excellent execution. Employee engagement is tightened, and high-performing teams are powered. Companies such as Allbirds, Google, Netflix, and others have implemented OKRs.


With all those "tricks" in mind, let's have a chat and plan the best strategy to get your company to the next level.
UprightMark is by your side.


Working with you to make things better.